How to earn money online with Google Adsense in 2017

How to earn money online with Google Adsense in 2017

 What is Google AdSense?

AdSense is one of the most convenient ways to make extra money from a website. All you do is copy a creative code in your website to display ads, and you'll win every time someone clicks on them. It also earns money from impressions in some cases.

AdSense is derived from a program called AdWords (PPC Marketing - Pay Per Click). Often these ads are shown above and to the right of the Google search engine results. These are called sponsored results, and advertisers pay a certain amount of money per click on them. AdSense serves ads through AdWords entered, but on partner sites. When someone clicks, you'll earn about 68% of the amount bid per click - the rest belongs to Google.

AdSense is an auction based system that allows advertisers to compete for those spots. Relevant ads with the highest bid price per click are displayed on top and so on.

AdSense is a complex program that can generate high revenues for your site, but the display of ads is determined by the content of the page. The site content is qualitative, the Decin Google which ads to better fit your site, receiving more income.

What you need to make money online with AdSense?

Quality Content - AdSense loves sites with rich content. Content can be of any kind (including text, images, video), provided it does not violate our content policies AdSense.

    A website that looks good - not enough to publish content that does not violate our content policies AdSense, but must also offer high quality content on a website of high quality. Google is liable for the money paid by advertisers, so they do not want their ads to appear on sites of low quality.

    More traffic - AdSense is a good way to make money online and is probably the easiest method, provided you quality traffic to the site. It is recommended to run AdSense ads on sites that are at least 200-300 unique visitors a day.

    Fully comply with AdSense policies - AdSense is 1/3 of Google's revenue, so this program is taken very seriously. While it is relatively easy for everyone to get an AdSense account, unless YEAR TOTAL play by their rules, you risk losing your account. Even if you are new or existing AdSense publisher, make sure you read their policies before implementing AdSense on a site. Eliminate from your mind any ideas for tricking the system and think that they always hired the best people to ensure that no one will be able to bypass rules and policies.

How to earn more money?

There are a few methods that will help you earn more money from Google Adsense. Of these:

    Optimize content pages - Write articles and add more relevant content as relevant. Your visitors will be tempted to click on ads more related to the theme of the article than ads that do not relate to the content page.

    Get more quality traffic - traffic is the best Oragnic - free, originated from search engines. To get it, however, it is needed primarily unique content and quality.

    So that the advertisements do not seem adverts - People hate ads. To them make them to click on them, you need to integrate them better into your site so that they appear to be part of the design of your site. Modify the background and font colors to match their best to the site at which they are shown. Put ads in a certain position, and then see how they perform changes. If not good, then changing location, colors and sizes until they give a yield as possible.It is quite easy to make money from AdSense, especially if you follow certain steps, like those above.